A Deeper Look

Uncover the impact of unconsciousness energy on your work

You’re putting effort into your work in the world. You’re doing your creative thing. And you want to reach people as an artist, writer, changemaker or creative entrepreneur.

There’s an often-overlooked aspect of doing our work in the world that can have a significant impact on your success in all this: your unconscious energy.

Your unconscious energy refers to the thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and intentions that you hold subconsciously. These can be influenced by many things like your past experiences, cultural conditioning, ancestral beliefs, and your personal values, among others. Sometimes you may have a vague awareness of this, other times not.

And whether you realize it or not, your energy plays a significant role in shaping your behavior and the results you see in your creative work and in your life as well.

Is Your Energy Supporting You?

Energy can either support or subvert your efforts.

For example, if you have an unconscious fear of failure or a lack of confidence in your abilities, you may unwittingly avoid your work or your schedule is so full you never have time to do it. Or you create plans for your creative work that are ineffective or inconsistent or not aligned with how you work best. On the other hand, if you have a keen sense of purpose and a clear understanding of your role, your efforts are likely to be more focused and successful, the energy within them reflecting that clarity and fullness.

Or let's say you are struggling to make time for your art, or to talk about it with others or otherwise share it (submit it, hang it, post about it…). You might have an unrealized belief that it's only a hobby, something for children, or not possible to make a living doing what you love.

Once you become aware of these beliefs, you can work on shifting them to create a more positive and empowering mindset.

The Unconscious Made Conscious

The tricky part here is that these energies exist either just below or well-below your conscious mind. You may not always be alert to the thoughts, feelings, and motivations that are driving your behavior.

If you were, you could do something to change the energy to have a more positive impact!

So, how can you bring a greater level of focus on your unconscious energy to ensure it is supporting your work and not getting in your way?

Here are five things to try:

  1. Pay attention to your emotions: Our emotions can provide clues to what we're feeling at a deeper level, some of which can be driven by subconscious energy.

    When you sit down to write, how do you feel? How about when your friend asks about your photography project? Or when you’re sending out an email promoting your free webinar or your upcoming weekend workshop?

    Are you tense or anxious? Are you filled with dread or annoyance? Are you feeling connected with your work or audience? In flow? Brimming with ideas?

    If you can’t exactly identify how you’re feeling, that’s OK. Start with paying attention to the physical sensations in your body. Identify what’s going on and where, noting whether it feels negative, positive or neutral. Once you’ve done that, you can go deeper, by either journaling or talking with a trusted friend or colleague or coach.

  2. Analyze your behavior patterns: Are there patterns in your behavior that seem to repeat themselves?

    For example, do you always end up working on your book project in the same way, managing only to squeeze in a few minutes before bed? Perhaps you tend to run chaotically from one to-do item to another? Or maybe you wait until the last minute to send out that promotional email? Or perhaps feel overwhelmed by the thought of telling people about your upcoming self-published memoir, so you don’t?

    It’s important to note that everyone has her own style and there is not one way to approach your work. However, having recurring feelings and resulting behaviors that don’t feel good are a sign that there could be unintentional energy at play.

  3. Consider your dreams: Dreams can be a window into our unaware mind. Pay attention to any recurring themes or symbols in your dreams, as these may hold clues to what's going on at a subconscious level.

    I used to have recurring dreams where I was in an airline terminal, always running late, sure I was going to miss my flight. Through dreamwork, I came to realize my deep-seeded desire to be doing different work in the world than I had been. I also had an unwitting fear of never being able to accomplish that in this lifetime.

    Once I understood what was going on, I could take steps to make changes and to shift my energy.

  4. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings in the present moment. And, by paying attention to your thoughts and emotions as they arise, you may be able to identify any subconscious energy that's driving your behavior.

    Deepening your noticing and recognition of your state of being, especially while you’re doing your creative work or working in and on your business, can help you open up portals to greater understanding.

  5. Seek an intuitive energy reading. A trained intuitive can read your energy and help you explore what wants attention in a safe and supportive environment. Through an energy reading, you can identify the subconscious patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back, as well as the hidden strengths and opportunities that you may be overlooking in your relationship to your creative work in the world.

Once you take steps to identify any unconscious energy, you can work to align it with your own desires and goals. This may involve working with a coach or therapist to uncover and shift limiting beliefs, practicing mindfulness and meditation to increase self-awareness, or seeking out intuitive guidance to gain deeper insight into your energy and its impact on your marketing.

If you're struggling with your work in the world somehow, consider exploring the role of unconscious energy and how it may be affecting your results. With cognizance and intentional action, you can harness the power of your energy to keep you moving toward your creative dreams.

Do You Want Help Identifying Your Unconscious Energy?

Through an intuitive energy reading, you can identify the subconscious patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back, as well as the hidden strengths and opportunities that you may be overlooking. You’ll get an affirmation of what's working well and you’ll get clarity about what needs attention and how that's impacting you right now. You'll leave with deeper insight as to what's needed as well as a practical next step to help move you forward.

Click here for more information or to sign up.

Photo by Kristine Cinate on Unsplash