See a deeper reality

Uncover a deeper reality by getting in touch with your higher self. Find the clarity, courage and inspiration to move forward on your journey.

Here’s how I can help.

see your business in a new light: Intuitive business reading

single Session intuitive reading

When you know what energy patterns are at work in you and your relationship with business, you gain new level of awareness. Things become clearer; questions get answered. You can better see why you’ve been feeling stuck or perhaps haven’t been able to move forward in your business the way you’d like.

You can sense a new way forward.

Find your business niche

single Session intuitive reading

Your niche is the home for your business, but perhaps you’re having trouble defining it who exactly you help and what you help them with. An intuitive energy business niche reading taps into your own heart’s desires, your passions from birth and the skills you have now to help you get a clearer picture of your niche. All this is combined with a collaborative brainstorming session at the end.

You’ll get clarity and confirmation - and the confidence you need – to help you move your business forward.


see your life in a new light

single Session intuitive reading

Perhaps you have questions about your life. Maybe you’re wondering about your job or your career. Or perhaps aren’t sure about some aspect of a relationship that’s important to you. Or maybe you have an opportunity or an important decision to make.

Or, maybe, you’ve just been feeling a little out of sorts, but you aren’t sure why.

When you can see what energy patterns are at work in your life, you gain new level of awareness. When you sense your higher self, things become clearer. You can better see why you’ve been feeling the way you have. You have insight into what may’ve been standing in your way.

In short, you can sense possibility, and a new way forward.


Light Your Creative Fire: intuitive creativity reading

single Session intuitive reading

You have something you’re longing to bring into the world. It’s an idea that just won’t leave you alone. Maybe it’s a story or your photographs. Maybe it’s your poetry or a part-time creative business. Whatever it is, it’s something in you that you want to create.

When you can see your own unique creative style, get in touch with your higher-self and your creative guides, you can better understand the energies at work in your creative life.

Then you can sense how best to move forward, and what steps to take to turn your creative dream into something real, something tangible.

Not Sure What You Need?

If you aren't sure what you need, let’s start with a free consultation.  

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Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.

Mary Oliver



 Photo by Mike Enerio on Unsplash

Photos by AND Simson Petrol on Unsplash